Saturday, September 18, 2010


CHOICES- This site is sponsored by the Florida Department of Education which offers an  online career planning platform where students and adults alike can research career opportunities based on their interest. This platform has all the unique features needed for an in depth review of several career options.  Let us Begin..... The home page to begin your career exploration Journey.

For this review, I set up a student account under the name Jane Smith. Through the sign up page a user may also go to a Adult and Post secondary sign-in.

Creating a portfolio is vary simple. Drop down menus that are specific to county school districts. The account that is created is for a middle school student. 

The account is created notice that Jane is listed in the right hand corner next to SIGN OUT.
The four colors tabs across the top row assist in navigation of the site. The tab color correlates with the background color of the site. Orange tab is the HOME tab where the investigation begins. There are two divisions on this screen shot: "WORK" and "LEARN". The first step that we will take is in the work section, Interest Profiler.. This is an 180 question Interest Survey to assist in finding a career.

Noticed that the background colored has changed for the "WORK" tab. Introduction to the interest profiler. Simple a clicking a button.

A screen shot of one of the questions. Simple answers. The questions may have to reviewed for students with low performance reading skills. The format is easy to follow and fun for the students to think about.

Results are list into two categories.  Sometimes it may result in three, then we must select the two that fit the student. A description helps the student relate words to actions.

Career opportunities were matched from the students interest survey. A simple click will lead a student to explore a  career that interest them. Many are surprised at the outcomes.

For this exploration a Middle School Teacher was selected. The tabs listed on the left will give insight to the career selected. What I really appreciate about this page is that a student really gain in depth knowledge of this career. Everything from Money and Job outlook to education needed. Other links offer definitions of words that are needed in this career, like certification and licensure. The investigation opportunities are endless.

The learn tab list schools and universities that specialize in the career selection. The search can be expanded to list school from out of the state of Florida. Selecting a school again, link the student to an overview of the school, cost of tuition and requirements for acceptance.

Finally, all the students search will be saved in their portfolio for later visitation and future searches. In the portfolio section is a place for students to build resume and write a career research journal. I have used this site for over three years and students really enjoy being able to select and build a portfolio that is centered around their interest.


  1. Danette,

    I really think it is a great tool to help students see beyond the walls of the classroom! I hope CHOICE can be sponsored in every state in the country and not only for the state of Florida.
    What I like the most is the kind of tabs that it has. They are not only academic base but also focusing towards the future. Great tool. I also like the visuals you used to describe it. Thanks.

  2. This site is sponsored by the Florida DOE, but it is free. Anyone may sign up for an account. There is adult sign in on the first page. If you need a county you may use Marion county as home.
